Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible study takes place after our worship service every Sunday alongside our Sunday School classes. All are welcome to attend as we study God’s Word and partake in fellowship together beforehand. Both bible studies normally last about thirty to forty-five minutes.
We are currently introducing the new hymnal to our members as part of our Bible class. We will continue to go through these in the summer of 2024.
Sunday School
Feeding Jesus' little lambs is important to us at St. John's. During the school year we hold classes for our children on Sunday mornings following worship at 10:00 AM during the school year. Our school year begins Sunday, September 10th.
Children normally start out in the corner Sunday School room for an opening devotion and singing and then dismiss to their respective classrooms for a lesson tailored to their respective ages. All children are welcome and invited to attend!
Bible Instruction Class
Curious about what the Bible teaches or a Christian seeking to review the basic teachings of the Bible? You are invited to attend a Bible instruction class (sometimes referred to as BIC). Classes can be scheduled on an individual basis with Pastor. All are welcome to seek instruction in this class! If interested, contact Pastor at
Confirmation Class
For our children in 6th through 8th grade we offer confirmation classes on Wednesdays at 4:00-5:00 PM during the school year (September through May). These classes prepare our children to become communicant members of our congregation and are an important step as they continue to grow in faith and in the grace of their Savior.