Church Council Elections

Council elections were held on January 21, 2024, at our annual meeting. The following members were elected to the open positions:

President (2-year term): Steve Krause (advances from Vice President position)

Vice President (1-year term): Rodney Wilson

Elder (5-year term): Don Drietz

Installation of these officers will be conducted during our service on Sunday, January 28.

Our next elections cycle will take place at our congregation’s annual meeting in 2025. The positions available are listed below.

Vice President

This position is for a two (2) year term, and will succeed the current President.

The Vice President leads meetings when the President cannot be present. If another member of the council cannot be present at the meeting (Secretary, Treasurer, or Head Elder/Trustee), the Vice President reads the report in his stead.

This position is for a three (3) year term.

The secretary accurately records the proceedings of all meetings of the congregation, the church council, and other committees. He shall have the authority to countersign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and/or legal documents executed by the corporation and assist in the orderly conduct of its business affairs according to established good order.



This position is for a five (5) year term (expires 2030).

Elders (also known as trustees) serve as leaders of the church. They attend council meetings, direct and oversee the affairs of the church, and work with members and the pastor to carry out the ministry of the congregation. They also serve as trustees of the corporate property of the congregation.